
ShrigandhaTV | Kannada Movies, Shows, Series


Mister French Taste     
English 10 Episodes
[U]: Suitable for all ages
Overall Rating:
An original cross-cultural comedy series about manners (or the lack thereof). Mister French Taste is an etiquette coach with the challenge of a lifetime; transform the unruly Leon, the only son of a conservative Hong Kong family and a constant source of scandals and shame into a perfectly groomed gentleman while at the same time, trying to steal the heart of Lily, the beautiful, young heiress to a Hong Kong fashion empire, educated, smart, and fluent in the art of shopping.

Cast: Olivier Malet, Osric Chau, Sarah Lian
Director: Jennifer Thym
Production company: Mister French Taste Production
Distributed by: Daehan Drama Ltd.

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